donate to Kids Helpline

When young people have nowhere else to turn, our trained and qualified counsellors are ready to listen. But we need your help.
Three children looking forward looking hopeful. They have an orange and red tone over them.

It takes courage to call Kids Helpline. Don't let that courage go unanswered. 

The prevalence of mental health issues and increasing wait times mean current funding is not meeting the demands of young people. Donate today to help us support every young person in need.

All donations over $2 are Tax Deductible.



"We’re seeing counsellors having to deal with more emergency interventions, which take a lot of time. All of that impacts the capacity to continue then to meet the demand.”

-Tracy Adams, CEO

Suicide-related contacts to Kids Helpline have more than doubled in the last 5 years. Your donation can make a real difference.

"When I was having suicidal thoughts, contact with Kids Helpline was probably the most important conversation I have ever had." 

- Nathan, 14, Kids Helpline client
100% of your donation will go towards helping us connect with more kids
Last year, half of Kids Helpline funding came from the community. We can’t do this without you.
pie chart showing yourtown funding for kids helpline

Kids Helpline's Impact in 2023


responses by counsellors

1 in 6

contacts were suicide related


70% counselling sessions provided outside normal business hours*

*Contacts to Kids Helpline outside Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm hours