pre-recorded resources 

Pre-recorded videos by Kids Helpline counsellors to facilitate an online learning session

on-demand online learning for your school

Watch these educational videos with your students at a time convenient to you and your class. These pre-recorded resources are just like the curriculum-aligned sessions you can book live with Kids Helpline counsellors, but now you can watch anytime! 

Check out our pre-recorded sessions below

for all primary year levels
intro to Kids Helpline
A pre-recorded video to help students understand how to get support.
Thumbnail for Pre-recorded session intro to Kids Helpline
for all primary year levels
safe & happy holidays
A pre-recorded video about staying safe, beating boredom and how to get support.
Thumbnail for Pre-recorded session safe and happy holidays
for teachers and educators
how Kids Helpline can support schools
A pre-recorded video about how Kids Helpline can help you support young people in your community.
Thumbnail for Pre-recorded session how Kids Helpline can support school and community
for all primary year levels
tips for starting your term well
A pre-recorded video about how to make the most of a new school term.
Thumbnail for Pre-recorded session tips for starting your term well
for all primary year levels
climate change: caring for your inner and outer world
A pre-recorded video helping students understand and feel agency about their eco-anxiety
climate change.png
tips to have a good school term
A pre-recorded video about how to make the most of a new school term.
4 teen girls smiling in school uniforms

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